Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Series 5 - The Lodger

Writer: Gareth Roberts
Director: Catherine Morshead
Producer: Tracie Simpson
Executive Porducer (s): Steven Moffat, Peirs Wenger, Beth Wills

Originally Broadcast: 12 June 2010
Duration: 45 mins

A mysterious force locks the TARDIS - with Amy inside it - trapped in a materialization loop, and it's up to the Doctor to work out what that force is, or Amy could be lost forever. As he investigates, he learns of a house on Aickman road, with a staircase which people walk up but never down. To solve this mystery, the Doctor must pass himself off as a normal human being and share a flat with Craig Owens.

The Doctor - Matt Smith
Amy Pond - Karen Gillan
Craig Owens - James Corden
Sophie - Daisy Haggard
Auto Pilot - Darrell Heath
Steven - Owen Donovan
Sean - Babatunde Aleshe
Michael - Jem Wall
Sandra - Karen Seacombe
Clubber - Kamara Bacchus