Saturday, December 13, 2008

Special - Music Of The Spheres


Writer: Russell T. Davies
Director: Euros Lyn
Script Editor: ?
Producer: Catrin Lewis Defis
Executive Producer(s): Russell T. Davies, Julie Gardner

Originally Broadcast: 27 July 2008 (Radio/Internet), 1 Janurary 2009 (TV)
Duration: 8 mins

The beginning of the episode depicts the Tenth Doctor composing Ode to the Universe: a symphony based on the "music of the spheres"—an audial representation of the Universe's gravity patterns. During the composition, a Graske teleports into the TARDIS to warn the Doctor about the imminent opening of a portal linking the TARDIS to the current non-fictional Doctor Who Prom at the Royal Albert Hall. The Doctor conducts the orchestra in a performance before he realises the Graske has escaped into the Prom. He forces the Graske's return by "reversing the polarity of the neutron flow" and banishes him from the TARDIS. At the end of the episode, he tells the viewer that the music of the spheres encompasses everyone.

The Doctor - David Tennant
The Graske - Jimmy Vee
Voice of the Graske - Philip Hurd-Wood