Saturday, December 13, 2008

Series 4 - The Fires Of Pompeii


Writer: James Moran
Director: Colin Teague
Script Editor: Brian Minchin
Producer: Phil Collinson
Executive Producer(s): Russell T. Davies, Julie Gardner

Originally Broadcast: 12th April 2008
Duration: 48 mins

The Doctor and Donna travel to Pompeii, the night before Mount Vesuvius erupts. When they arrive in A.D. 79, they discover psychic powers and beasts of stone running riot in the streets of old Pompeii. The time-travellers face their greatest challenge yet – can established history be changed, or must the Doctor let everyone die?

The Doctor - David Tennant
Donna Noble - Catherine Tate
Stallholder - Phil Cornwell
Soothsayer - Karen Gillan
Spurrina - Sasha Behar
Thalina - Lorraine Burroughs
Caecilius - Peter Capaldi
Metella - Tracey Childs
Evelina - Francesca Fowler
Quintus - Francois Pandolfo
High Priestess - Victoria Wicks
Major Domo - Gerard Bell
Lucius - Phil Davis