Friday, December 5, 2008

The Shakespeare Code


Writer: Gareth Roberts
Director: Charles Palmer
Script Editor: Simon Winstone
Producer: Phil Collinson
Executive Producer(s): Russell T. Davies, Julie Gardner

Originally Broadcast: 7th April 2007
Duration: 45 mins

Something sinister is afoot in Elizabethan London. When the Doctor takes Martha to meet Shakespeare, they are haunted by witch-like beings intent on using the power of words to subjugate humanity. Their plan involves the Bard himself, in the as-yet-unwritten play Love Labours Won. Can the Carrionites be banished back to the Deep Darkness, or will an Age of Blood and Death wreck havoc across the globe?

The Doctor – David Tennant
Martha Jones – Freema Agyeman
Shakespeare - Dean Lennox Kelly
Lilith - Christina Cole
Wiggins - Sam Marks
Doomfinger - Amanda Lawrence
Bloodtide - Linda Clark
Dick - Jalaal Hartley
Kempe - David Westhead
Dolly Bailey - Andree Bernard
Lynley - Chris Larkin
Jailer - Stephen Marcus
Peter Streete - Matt King
Preacher - Roger Demeger
Queen Elizabeth - Angela Pleasence